Sunday, January 27, 2013

12 Little Apostles and Grotto Lesson

We use Catholic Icing Preschool Curriculum.  Both of these AMAZING ideas are from Lacy's FABULOUS website and lessons :)  Thanks Lacy!

12 Little Apostles :)

We are back to the liturgical season of "Ordinary Time", so we decided to do the unit study on the 12 Apostles.    Here is a picture of my little one coloring 12 popsicle sticks which are going to become his 12 apostles.  We also made a popsicle stick Jesus to go along with them.  He colored each stick differently using his markers.  The open book is the unit lesson out of the Catholic Icing Preschool Curriculum.

Here LO is holding up his finished "Apostles" :)  He had so much fun with this!  Then we sang the song about the apostles which basically goes "1 little, 2 little, 3 little apostles. . ." etc.  Buy Lacy's curriculum to hear more about it :)  LO thought it was great and made me sing the song over and over and over again :)

Grotto Lesson :)

After finishing our Apostles, we moved into our lesson of the day which was on the letter G.  We chose to make the Grotto out of corn flakes.  :)  It was a lot of fun.  In connection to this lesson, we had previously visited Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto in Maryland, so LO had a connection to what a grotto was all about.

Here is a picture of the lesson from the Catholic Icing Preschool Curriculum.

Here is a picture of LO melting marshmallows on the stove (we recycled the marshmallows from our snow sensory bin!).  There was also butter in the pot.  This is obviously an adult-supervision necessary activity ;)

We then crunched up corn flakes together.

 We then mixed the cornflakes and the marshmallow mixture together and LO shaped his "grotto."

He then added some green food coloring drops for the grass and some glitter for the flowers.   And we found a small wooden doll toy in the basement that we used to represent Mother Mary.

To keep our "grotto" for later, we transferred the grotto from the cookie sheet that we had made it on unto a paper plate and labeled it.  Turned out to be pretty neat :)

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