Today we did some more activities out of our
VaHomeschoolers Conference Raffle winnings :) Inside one of the baskets were two DVDs by "
The Happy Scientist" Robert Krampf. One was on electricity and the other was on erosion and water. Little one loved watching the DVDs and really got into the science. One of the perks of being a member of VAHomeschoolers is a
FREE membership to "The Happy Scientist". Yeah! :)
Here is a picture of the DVDs that we watched today.
Little one also pulled out a set of modeling clay from the raffle basket. We had a lot of fun making all sorts of things out of the fun colored clay. I made a flower and a lollipop. :) Little one made lots of snakes and various twisty pretzels. :) Here is a picture:
Modeling clay has so many possibilities!